Quality and Data Protection
Our values
This company’s management and staff share and view the implemented management system as a guideline for working in each and every one of their activities.
Data protection
In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR 2016/679 and the LOPDGDD 3/2018 CONECTA RESEARCH AND CONSULTING, SL informs that it has implemented security measures in order to safeguard the integrity of personal data processed by it. You can review our privacy policy in its extended version in the section «Privacy Policy».
Committed to the highest
quality standards

The work carried out by both our interviewers and the agencies that collaborate with CONECTA undergoes a strict and scrupulous process of supervision and quality control by the team of supervisors from our central Madrid offices.
CONECTA follows a Quality Control System in accordance to the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 regulation that has been certified by the Official Madrid Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Market and Social Research, with certification number: EC-1.1971.11.
CONECTA works in accordance to the AENOR UNE-EN ISO 20252:2006 quality standards and complies with the quality standards set by the “ECIM” approved by ANEIMO in 1998, as well as with the CCI/ ESOMAR Code of Practice for Market and Social Research.
CONECTA abides by the ESOMAR quality standards and its managers belong to ESOMAR.

quality policy
In its quest for continuous improvement, the CONECTA Group has implemented a Quality Management System in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 guidelines, whose policy has the following mission, vision and values:
Our objective is to provide knowledge based on qualitative and quantitative research, meeting the activity’s own requirements as well as those requested by our clients, with the aim of helping them to find innovative solutions, define the best strategies and adopt the most appropriate decisions at all times.
Our aim is to provide the comprehensive research and consulting services that today’s companies need to guide their decisions in an increasingly complex social and market environment.
To be recognized as a leading company in the social and market research sector for our ability to provide clients with value based on excellence in understanding decisions’ problems and nature, methodological innovation, speed of response and our approach’s strategic vision.
To be a company where those working in it find an opportunity for personal and professional development
research, imagination, inquiry, depth, analysis, workability.
Involvement, commitment, accessibility, excitement, enthusiasm, communication, honesty, transparency.
Customisation collaboration, complicity, listening, understanding, flexibility, adaptation, Interaction.
ability, common sense, diversity, learning, technique, reflection, team, resources, quality.
This quality policy has been communicated to all staff and is understood, applied and kept up-to-date at all levels of the organisation. It also provides the frame of reference for annually reviewing our quality objectives. This policy was approved in February 2018.