Case Study
Concept screening
to guide NPD with
a global perspective

Concept Screening
Actionable Results
Global Research
Client Context:
Our client, one of the largest breakfast cereal producer, marketing more than 50 brands in more than 130 countries worldwide, needs constant innovation to keep the leading market position of their brands.
The Challenge:
It wasn’t just about finding the best concept to develop a brand in a specific market. The challenge was more complex and demanding. The objective was to find the product development lines that would satisfy the growth needs of each brand in the different markets and would provide the best growth opportunities for the company as a whole.
The brands and the innovation team had worked on developing new product concepts to strengthen and grow the brands and the different markets. It was necessary to choose the best concepts for the different brands,but also, going one step further, there was a need to select the lines of development with the greatest potential for the company as a whole. Top management needed to decide on an objective basis which products, in which brands, for which markets to invest.
It was essential to provide a graphic and intuitive tool to select the concepts to prioritize, objectively justify the selection, while understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the concepts and the reasons for the results.
The solution – how we did it:
Almost 200 concepts had to be tested, for 20 different brands, in 4 key markets.
An apparently simple online survey was conducted. Each respondent evaluated a small number of concepts. The brands and concepts each respondent rated were selected following a randomization algorithm ensuring that unbiased results were obtained.
Logistics and coordination were no minor challenges in a project that involved almost a dozen brands from 4 markets on 3 continents in record time.
A composite score integrating purchase intent and uniqueness served to compare together all the concepts of the different brands in all markets. A single graph made it possible to visually select the concepts with the greatest potential. Other metrics were then examined to get a finer picture of each concept performance.The answers to the open-ended questions added texture and provided insight. A Snapshot was prepared for each concept with clear conclusions and recommendations for further steps.
The outcome:
Each brand got clear guidelines for further development and top management a clear picture of global opportunities and priorities.